Wednesday, July 18, 2012

: LYING OR LOVING EYES: (HUFFPOST STORY)."Peanuts says:" eyes..eyes..( better then nays>>lol).to take in the "world", one must see,taste, aging takes its toll, joints, muscles, fingers, wrists, etc start downward "spiral". "don't shoot till u see whites of their eyes", is famous American Militia QUOTE said at Bunker Hill or Lexington & Concord skirmish. whoever stated this is still right on. Eyes let u "size up situation", notice any "...danger", appreciate offers of "friendship"( like bowing but keeping eyes on one in front). Eyes stimulate olfactory senses, images, imagination& give "hope", possible escape route)all come to mind; finding buried or ship wrecked treasure, for ex.,) kiss me w/ur "SOUL", "warm me w/ur "HEART", caress me w/ ur "FINGERS", entice me w/ur "VOICE(laughter, purring, sighing,etc.,)embrace me w/ur 'Passionate Arms", please, please please, never LIE TO ME W/UR "EYES".(LISTEN to "EAGLES" GREAT HIT: LYING EYES".speaks volumes..Eyes may/may not be window to soul; yes, "you just can't hide your lying eyes' ( Eagles song).. See More

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