Friday, April 11, 2014

1st song written - - Gmail

1st song written - - Gmailoh, the humanity"( from an old movie?), once upon a time, when daffodils & bluebirds filled the air; when the aroma of " love" permeated the breeze: when squirrels came down from trees(actually, I "do"have this "squirrel whisperer" knack); I, too, knew a " lady", a very special lady; she "stole my heart"; later she "tore" it apart:, yet, this was the "birth, the star< of " songs & lyrics " pouring like a "burst dam" from my inner self; a "rising" of my "soul"; eventually, leading me to " great ethereal heights" today: "Movin' too Fast", became my " greatest creation"; revised & sequelled at present, the " original" is the " masterpiece"; awaiting "public recognition", to "go be recorded for the ages; with " poets and sages, with no wanting for " personal wages".

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