Monday, April 28, 2014


"RED FLAG HEALTH CARE REPUB. RAG: ( LOOSELY BASED ON " VIETNAM RAG" BY "COUNTRY JOE & FISH..WOODSTOCK ERA)"Hey all u "aging bible belt republican voters; give a lissen you all" " come on brothers, come on sisters, wave those red flags high. don't forget to shout, now, " we're all goona die".you all, you hear, be the 1st one on "your block, to be covered in a red flag draped box, straight outta hell, you know, southern bible belt hell; you all, where rep. governors defeated the Medicaid aid bill, designed to aid the poor, but not poor enough; you all, grab your partners, hold a " tea party" b4 it's too late, hope St. Peter remembers to hold open the Pearly
Gate. or is it way past late. maybe he's keeping a luncheon date, laughin' it up, tears rolling downward, realizing most of you bible belters, now too old & not too poor, just poor enough, r gonna die, whoopee, u see, you  r gonna die in a Paupers lot; seems you forgot, forgot to " vote" the" to the left side, not the right side" of bills only waiting to help you all; all cause you were red flag bible belt believers, not all saints, & very few sinners; just dumb ass true believers. sheep led to the slaughter, so come on all u stout hearted repub's, tis  time to step up to the plate; time to take a swing at your upcoming fare.. donncha know it is too late now; u hear, donncha shed a tear now, u hear. I hear they got "red beer", on tap.  maybe someone'll teach "you all" how to "rap"..or " rock & roll.." Bristol Stomp ", maybe??

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