Wednesday, April 2, 2014

AOL Mail (264)

AOL Mail (264)

EX DIVERS MISSPELL:Oh well..yes, "Martha", there are misspells ; gettin' older you know; fingers slower; keyboard always stinkin'; as long as "above water & breathing; that, my "friends", is the def. of a " good day"; take it from a "former wreck diver"( mommy's, don't let ur babies grow up to be "divers"(Jaws does indeed exist; however "LONGIMANUS..LORD OF THE LONG ARMS", PER LATE CAPT. COUSTEAU< so " terrifying a GREAT WHITE defecated & exited in apparent fright as " lord of the long arms" arrived"(note: it "almost "killed the "entire dive party , who were "picked up " at last moment by Calypso Zodiac ( this is an "excerpt paraphrased FOR " THE COUSTEAU LIBRARY OF BOOKS : "THE SHARK". REAL "COOL" READING.
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